March 24, 2025

Houston AMSAT Net

For Amateur Radio Satellite Operators

AMSAT 51 on 51 Award

The AMSAT 51 on 51 Award is given to any station that makes contact with 51 different stations on AMSAT’s newest satellite, AO-51, during the year 2005. The award is designed to promote friendship, and encourage contact with handheld and first-time satellite users. Applicants are encouraged to include contacts with stations making their first satellite contacts. Contacts may be in any mode (Voice/Packet/PSK-31) and on any band (V/U, V/S, L/S, L/U, H/U). To receive the award, you must submit your log entries either electronically or by photocopy. Entries must indicate date and time (UTC) of the contact, callsign and grid square of the contacted station, and mode used. Only contacts made between 1 January, 2005 and 31 December, 2005 are eligible. Logbooks may be submitted until 30 April, 2006. QSL cards are not required, however logbooks may be checked against other applicant’s logs.

Production costs for this award have been underwritten by an anonymous donor to honor Robin Haighton VE3FRH who served as AMSAT President during the construction and launch of AO-51. Consequently all award fees will be applied to the AMSAT Eagle fund. The donation for the award is $10.00 (US Funds) and AMSAT members receive a $5.00 discount. Award fees may be paid through the AMSAT Online Store once you have received confirmation of eligibility from the Director of Contests and Awards.

  #       Call          Date Issued
 ===     =========      ===========
  1      VE3FRH         15-Feb-2005 Issued in Honorarium
  2      KA9ERV         15-Feb-2005
  3      N5AFV/C6A      15-Feb-2005
  4      VE6AB          15-Feb-2005
  5      K5MAN          15-Feb-2005
  6      W6ZQ           15-Feb-2005
  7      N7SFI          15-Feb-2005
  8      K6YK           15-Feb-2005
  9      W2XB           15-Feb-2005
 10      W7YED          15-Feb-2005
 11      KB1GUE         15-Feb-2005 Awards 2-11 order was randomly chosen
 12      OZ1MY          15-Feb-2005
 13      N4QWF          15-Feb-2005   
 14      XE2AT          22-Feb-2005
 15      VE3DIJ         28-Feb-2005
 16      VE4NSA         02-Mar-2005
 17      K7RQN          03-Mar-2005
 18      JH0PVF         09-Mar-2005
 19      WO3T           14-Mar-2005
 20      WB8OTH         04-Apr-2005
 21      CU2JX          12-Apr-2005
 22      KB2YCC         13-Apr-2005
 23      DO9OAM         21-Apr-2005
 24      K8ZZU          26-Apr-2005
 25      K5AUW          03-May-2005
 26      IW9HBY         21-May-2005
 27      DL2DRD         24-May-2005
 28      KC7USS         21-Jun-2005
 29      K6IA           12-Jul-2005
 30      KA4KYI         19-Jul-2005
 31      WA4IVM         01-Aug-2005
 32      VE4WMK         05-Aug-2005
 33      KN4F           16-Aug-2005
 34      PH7AT          11-Sep-2005
 35      JN1GKZ         12-Oct-2005
 36      KG7EZ          18-Oct-2005
 37      KF4GTA         20-Oct-2005
 38      KK4EMK         25-Oct-2005
 39      K1ICO          01-Nov-2005
 40      JE4SMQ         07-Nov-2005
 41      W0CK           14-Nov-2005
 42      KB9STR         15-Nov-2005
 43      W6GMT          15-Nov-2005
 44      WA6ARA         22-Nov-2005
 45      G0MIN          23-Nov-2005
 46      JA2NLT         29-Nov-2005
 47      W8EH           30-Nov-2005
 48      DC7TS          05-Dec-2005
 49      ND9M           08-Dec-2005
 50      VE7WFG         15-Dec-2005
 51      W0EEC          16-Dec-2005
 52      W4SCO          21-Dec-2005
 53      AI7W           22-Dec-2005
 54      JE1FQV         24-Dec-2005
 55      JR6LDE         24-Dec-2005
 56      K8NWD          24-Dec-2005
 57      WI2W           27-Dec-2005
 58      WB0QLU         29-Dec-2005
 59      KD5MSS         30-Dec-2005
 60      WD9EWK         30-Dec-2005
 61      JE2TLZ         06-Jan-2006
 62      SP1WSR         07-Feb-2006
 63      EB4DEH         08-Feb-2006
 64      DD1UN          20-Feb-2006
 65      DD8HB          07-Mar-2006
 66      W5RVB          09-Mar-2006
 67      K0KN           13-Mar-2006
 68      JA6BX          13-Mar-2006
 69      JA6PL          28-Mar-2006
 70      VE4AMU         29-Mar-2006