March 24, 2025

Houston AMSAT Net

For Amateur Radio Satellite Operators

Awards through the ARRL and others

There is an award from the ARRL called VHF/UHF Century Club or VUCC and it is for working 100 different grid squares and you can receive it with satellite contacts. Endorsements are for each additional 25 grids worked. You can get information and an application from ARRL by visiting their website at

Another award from the ARRL is the Worked All States or WAS. For this you must contact a station in each of the 50 states. Here again, you can request an application from ARRL headquarters. There is no 5-Band WAS for Satellite.

One that is not very difficult is the WAC or Worked All Continents. This requires contacting a station on each of the 6 continents. This award is also administered by the ARRL. Cards and application must be sent to the ARRL, there is no other way to receive this award.

The award that is the most difficult to attain on satellite is DX Century Club or DXCC. This requires contacting 100 different DXCC countries on satellite and getting QSL cards out of them. Applications are available for the ARRL.

The ARRL awards require you to send the actual QSL cards to a ARRL Field Checker. Either I can check your QSL cards for ARRL VUCC, ARRL WAS or ARRL 5BWAS or you can find another ARRL Field Checker perform the task.