March 24, 2025

Houston AMSAT Net

For Amateur Radio Satellite Operators

South Africa AMSAT Satellite Communications Achievement Award

South Africa has a nice award it is called the South Africa AMSAT Satellite Communication Achievement Award. It is for 25 different stations on phase 2 satellites. Satellites that qualify for this award are AO-7, Fuji-Oscar 20/29, AO-21, AO-27 and RS-10/12/15, UO-14, AO-49, SO-50, AO-51 and future satellites that are LEO. These contacts may all be in the same state or Canadian call area. You only need 25. AO-10, AO-13 and AO-40 contacts do not count. The costs are the same as previous awards and are also sent to AMSAT Director of Contests and Awards, Bruce Paige, KK5DO.

   View all the awards at