March 25, 2025

Houston AMSAT Net

For Amateur Radio Satellite Operators

Oscar Satellite Communications Achievement Award

The next award takes a little bit more work. It is the Oscar Satellite Communications Achievement Award. This award is for working 20 contacts on any satellite. A contact is defined as one with a station in your state or another state, DXCC country or Canadian call area. Once you have a contact with a station in that area, you must hunt for another. So, if you work 6 Canadian stations that are all in VE7, then you can only submit one of them towards this award. For those that have the RAC CANDADA AWARD or ARRL WAS with satellite endorsements, you may submit a copy of your certificate as proof of working the 13 Canadian Proviences or 50 U.S. States. You may also have a bonus as Washington, D.C. counts as a contact. 

 View all the awards at