March 14, 2025

Houston AMSAT Net

For Amateur Radio Satellite Operators

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Houston AMSAT Net



AMSAT-NA Director, Contests and Awards (Since May 12, 2001)

AMSAT-NA Board Member 2016-2025
AMSAT-NA Board Alternate 2015


Live Tuesday Evenings 8PM Central Time
Heard locally in Houston on 145.19 Repeater
Back up repeater 145.45 MHz FM Repeater 

(Wednesday 0100 UTC March-September, 0200 UTC October-February)

We are now on Echolink – Conference *AMSAT*

LISTEN.EHHH Live streaming during the net on the internet

Hear the ARRL Audio News with my weekly Satellite Report


8 thoughts on “Home

  1. Do not forget to leave a quick reply and click on “Notify me of new posts via email” if you would like to receive the URL’s that we use during the net each week. You can always unsubscribe by clicking on the link in the email.

    1. Yes, the distribution list for the URL’s was lost during the transfer to the new server. It is so much better where we are than what GoDaddy provided. I can now use PHP 8.x instead of being stuck on PHP 5.3 which started to provide problems with newer plugins.

    1. We would like to find someone locally to help. However, not many takers. I used to help but when I moved 30 miles away from Houston, I was able to hit the repeater just fine until the antenna broke. When it got replaced, I can no longer hit the repeater. Are you local?

  2. Thanks for having a website that carries information about satellite activities in Texas.
    73, David AL5M

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