January 22, 2025

Houston AMSAT Net

For Amateur Radio Satellite Operators

Awards Overview

AMSAT Awards

and Other Awards with Satellite Endorsements

AMSAT Director of Contests and Awards
Bruce Paige, KK5DO
PO Box 1598
Porter, TX 77365
Please note new mailing address Sept, 2016

General Submission Rules for AMSAT Awards

To submit for AMSAT awards, you need to send copies (you may reduce the size to fit more on a page as long as I can read the QSO information) of the front and backs (if there is QSO information there) of your confirmed QSL cards (eQSL cards are not valid for AMSAT or ARRL awards. Email confirmations of a QSO is also not acceptable) to AMSAT Director of Contests and Awards, Bruce Paige, KK5DO. The cost (unless otherwise noted below) is $5.00 for members (include your membership number) and $10.00 for non-members. Please note that U.S. Postage rates now require envelopes with stiffeners in them to go as first class small packages. Postage is $1.22 within the U.S. and $3.27 for overseas (as of 2015 postal rates).

In 2005 we added the ability to apply for the awards via email – the preferred method

Now that the AMSAT Online Store is in full operation, AMSAT is offering the ability to apply for and pay for any of the AMSAT Awards online.

To take advantage of this program, you need to scan your QSL cards (back only required if QSO info appears there). Send them as JPG or GIF files attached to your email. You may also put the images in a Word Document or an Adobe PDF document. Email your file to the AMSAT Director of Contests and Awards (presently, Bruce, KK5DO), and indicate which AMSAT Award you are applying for and your name as you want it to appear on the certificate.

After your application has been accepted and approved, you will receive a reply email instructing you to make your payment. You may then go online to the AMSAT Online Store, http://www.amsat.org and make your payment. Your certificate will then be sent to you using the shipping address you used with the online payment.

Those without scanners may still send the Xerox copies of their QSL cards to the AMSAT Director of Contests and Awards and then pay for the awards online after they are accepted.

2015 AMSAT will now accept ARRL LOTW entries towards all of the AMSAT awards.

Log into your LOTW account, click on ‘Your QSOs’. Select the station you want to include for your AMSAT award. Click on ‘Details’. Use a screen capture program or Windows Snipping tool and attach that screen shot.

The information displayed contains both callsigns, the DXCC entity, the Grid Square, the time/date and mode for the contact. Everything we need for the contact to be accepted.

Attach the jpg files to your email or put them in a PDF file and email them to me along with any scans of cards you will also be using.