October 21, 2024

Houston AMSAT Net

For Amateur Radio Satellite Operators

Month: February 2022

Feb 22, 2022 Net #1447 KG-STV MSK software More KG-STV information URESAT-1 Svalbard Dxpedition Binar-1 More Binar CubeSats More 4A90...

Feb 15, 2022 Net #1446 More 4A90 operations Astra failed Voyager 1 presentation NASA SpaceX Starlink and FCC Rocky Mountain...

Feb 08, 2022 Net #1445 AMSAT Strategic Plan ISS Transition Plan Rocky Mountain ARRL Division Convention Hamcation link Hamvention link...

Feb 01, 2022 Net #1444 Donate to the GOLF program Information on the Svalbard QO-100 operation Orbital Mechanics for Sat...